Quality Day Care at the Heart of Kings Heath
The Robin Centre in Kings Heath, Birmingham, is a purpose built modern day centre established in July 2009. We provide care and support for older people, some of whom have been diagnosed with dementia. We are fully equipped to look after people with dementia and others in a comfortable, safe environment. Our dedicated staff are experienced and qualified. A day at the centre includes opportunities for friendship and engagement in a wide variety of activities. It also provides valuable help for carers who can have a day’s break knowing that their loved ones are being well looked after.
Weekly open hour for enquirers
Every Monday (except Bank holidays) we are open between 3.00-4.00pm for anyone who wishes to look round the centre and meet the staff/ask questions. No appointments necessary.
The Robin Centre
2 Vicarage Road
Kings Heath
Birmingham B14 7RA
B14 7RA
Contact us
Call us on:
0121 444 8111
Email us: info@therobincentre.org.uk
Donate to us
on our JustGiving page:
Transport arrangements
Every day we offer transport to and from the Centre for those who want it. In the past this has been through designated buses provided by Ring and Ride and by Shencare. At present these are no longer available and we are organising a taxi service. A daily charge is made for this service which we are subsidising.
On arrival at the Centre, members are offered a light breakfast. There is a two course lunch every day and tea and biscuits before departure. Cold drinks are available to anyone needing them, at any time of the day.

Manager: Paula McGrath
Deputy Manager: Sally Pell
Assisted by a team of qualified careworkers and volunteers
There is a full programme of activities for our members, though if they prefer not to take part that is no problem. We offer a light exercise activity every day, and every morning and afternoon there are also craft, games or entertainment sessions.